SINE2020 WP10 - 1st Coordination Meeting

Anders Kaestner (Paul Scherrer Institut, NIAG), Thomas Holm Rod (ESSS AB)

This is the first coordination meeting for SINE2020 WP10 - Data treatment.

The meeting will take place over two days and will be located at PSI, Villigen, Switzerland.


Workshop I in the WP description: "Overall coordination, coordination of imaging tasks, and coordination of tasks associated with the development of atomistic modelling"

Overall schedule

  • Partner presentations (2h00)
  • Update on standards and guidelines (30m)
  • Data treatment programs (2h30)
  • Discussion and coordination (2h00)

Arrival & Registration

PSI, Reception PSI-East


Please arrange your own accomodation for the meeting. You can either select a hotel from the List of nearby hotels (we have made block reservations at hotel Terminus (as long as they have rooms) and Boettstein (until March 18th) keyword SINE2020) or reserve a room at the PSI Guest house.


Will be served at PSI - Oase

Related workshops

  • Workshop II in WP10 was hosted by ILL 24-25 April, 2017. The programme can be found on the ILL indico page:
  • Workshop III will be hosted by MLZ in spring 2018
  • Workshop IV will be hosted by ESS in spring 2019
