GFA Accelerator Seminars

The Multipole Factory and the Toy Train

by Dr Stephan Russenschuck (CERN)

The Multipole Factory and the Toy Train – Measuring Local Field Distributions in Accelerator Magnets The lecture will concentrate on the theory and techniques for measuring and post-processing of local field distributions in accelerator magnets and solenoids. In the magnetic measurement section at CERN we have recently developed moving flux meters for the dipoles of the SuperFRS project at GSI, a solenoidal field transducer, and a transversal field transducer (aka toy train). The multipole factory is a oversampling method that allows the measurement of large-aperture magnets using a small diamter shaft. I will also talk about estabilishing the coherence between these measurements and the needs for beam physics, and magnet design and construction. Contact A.Adelmann 4233