Nov 16 – 17, 2016
University of Applied Sciences, Brugg/Windisch and Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen
Europe/Zurich timezone

Status and new developments of RF Systems of ALBA

Nov 16, 2016, 2:35 PM
Forum 5.0B15/16 (University of Applied Sciences, Brugg/Windisch)

Forum 5.0B15/16

University of Applied Sciences, Brugg/Windisch


Ms Angela Salom (CELLS)


ALBA is a 3Gev 3rd generation synchrotron light source located in Barcelona and operating with users since May 2012. The RF system of the SR is composed of 12 IOTs, providing up to 80kW each. The power of every pair of IOTs is combined in a cavity combiner (CaCO) and transferred to each cavity (6 in overall) through a waveguide system. In this presentation we will cover RF operation statistics of last year, main operation problems and improvements of RF reliability. We will also show the last developments/upgrades of the ALBA RF Systems which includes: - Amplfiers: New 500MHz SSA amplifier for Booster - 3rd Harmonic System: Normal conducting, active third harmonic cavity with HOM dampers and SSA amplifier at 1.5GHz - RF lab operation: Cyclotron Cavity Conditioning - LLRF: Phase modulation for RF Trip compensation

Primary author

Ms Angela Salom (CELLS)

Presentation materials