ACHIP Meeting

Agenda: The plan is to check with you the advance towards the Milestones of SINDI chamber (injector) and the laser milestones. We will also report from the collaboration meeting in Erlangen.
  • Eduard Prat Costa
  • Eugenio Ferrari
  • Marco Calvi
  • Marie Silvia Siegler
  • Nicole Hiller
  • Rasmus Ischebeck
  • Sven Reiche
  • Yelong Wei
ACHIP Meeting (19 Sep 2016)
Present: Marco Calvi; Eugenio Ferrari; Nicole Hiller; Rasmus Ischebeck; Eduard Prat Costa; Sven Reiche; Marie Silvia Siegler; Yelong Wei



1.) Recap from the collaboration meeting in Erlangen: 


  • Collaboration partners present.
  • Universities reported on progress modelling the electric fields over 100s of periods (mainly Darmstadt and industrial partners)
  • Progress on coupling (how to get beam into structures via fibers or free-space)
  • Source development: building laser triggered electron sources with a few keV electrons. Experiments on how to build the tips and coat them
  • DESY: On track for building SINBAD (tunnel is cleared and installation can start)
  • SLAC: NLCTA …. Lia Merminga (head of science at SLAC) recommends that we push for doing experiments there next year
  • Eugenio reported on progress at PSI: First chamber available for damage tests (SINDI02-DLAC055), still awaiting permission to operate the chamber
  • Advisory board: Reinhold Brinkmann, Lia Merminga, 3rd person
  • Next Meeting big collaboration meeting to take place at PSI 1-3 March 2017 (Day 1: individual sup-groups meet, Day 2: plenary collaboration overview talks, Day 3: more discussions) -> still need to find a suitable room for about 50 people


2.) Going over the Milestone Poster

  • Ready for beam 15-Sep 2016
    • Permits
      • WG Safety -> cabinet installation
      • WG Steering -> design change request accepted
    • CCD Functionality
      • Currently not possible to find electron beam on screen
      • Might be necessary to buy a new camera and cover larger field of view
    • GUI for controlling the setup
    • Beam loss monitor -> Need to check with Cigdem
    • Network and local control
  • Ready for Experiments
    • Shifts (number and allocation)
      • Will allocate that when ready
    • Coordination with commissioning
  • Experiments
    • Beam size
      • Eduard: Calculate optics for minimum beam size
      • Confirm calculations with measurements
    • Transmission through holed target
      • Waiting for BAG permission
    • Damage threshold
      • WG E-Beam: model of the beam
      • WG-Struct: model of field
      • WG-Exp:
        • laser data for the damage -> get collaboration partners from Erlangen to give a talk? 
        • acquire samples -> a few samples are in-house
        • invite colleagues for the experiment
        • measurement procedure -> can we get a trigger for a certain amount of shots?
    • Effects on beam
      • WG-Struct: scaled structure studies
    • Wire scanner
      • Master student will start next year
    • OTR/Cherenkov screen
      • Marie is working on a very compact OTR-screen version that could be used for the ATHOS chamber later on


3.) Updates from Marco concerning the quadrupoles

  • Do we really need to be so precise with the actual gradient (0.2%) of the magnets or is it rather the integrated gradient that counts? -> Sven & Eduard: Rematching or changing of position of quadrupole could be done according to actual gradient if that is well known. 
  • If you just want to move the quadrupole out without additional screening/shielding, then you do need to move it quite far out (like 50 cm), so this should be considered.
  • In 2 weeks, we should have a prototype (without the magnet) that has the correct dimensions and weight for testing.




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