ACHIP Meeting (19 Sep 2016)
Present: Marco Calvi; Eugenio Ferrari; Nicole Hiller; Rasmus Ischebeck; Eduard Prat Costa; Sven Reiche; Marie Silvia Siegler; Yelong Wei
1.) Recap from the collaboration meeting in Erlangen:
Collaboration partners present.
Universities reported on progress modelling the electric fields over 100s of periods (mainly Darmstadt and industrial partners)
Progress on coupling (how to get beam into structures via fibers or free-space)
Source development: building laser triggered electron sources with a few keV electrons. Experiments on how to build the tips and coat them
DESY: On track for building SINBAD (tunnel is cleared and installation can start)
SLAC: NLCTA …. Lia Merminga (head of science at SLAC) recommends that we push for doing experiments there next year
Eugenio reported on progress at PSI: First chamber available for damage tests (SINDI02-DLAC055), still awaiting permission to operate the chamber
Advisory board: Reinhold Brinkmann, Lia Merminga, 3rd person
Next Meeting big collaboration meeting to take place at PSI 1-3 March 2017 (Day 1: individual sup-groups meet, Day 2: plenary collaboration overview talks, Day 3: more discussions) -> still need to find a suitable room for about 50 people
2.) Going over the Milestone Poster
Ready for beam 15-Sep 2016
WG Safety -> cabinet installation
WG Steering -> design change request accepted
CCD Functionality
Currently not possible to find electron beam on screen
Might be necessary to buy a new camera and cover larger field of view
GUI for controlling the setup
Beam loss monitor -> Need to check with Cigdem
Network and local control
Ready for Experiments
Shifts (number and allocation)
Will allocate that when ready
Coordination with commissioning
Beam size
Eduard: Calculate optics for minimum beam size
Confirm calculations with measurements
Transmission through holed target
Waiting for BAG permission
Damage threshold
WG E-Beam: model of the beam
WG-Struct: model of field
laser data for the damage -> get collaboration partners from Erlangen to give a talk?
acquire samples -> a few samples are in-house
invite colleagues for the experiment
measurement procedure -> can we get a trigger for a certain amount of shots?
Effects on beam
WG-Struct: scaled structure studies
Wire scanner
Master student will start next year
OTR/Cherenkov screen
Marie is working on a very compact OTR-screen version that could be used for the ATHOS chamber later on
3.) Updates from Marco concerning the quadrupoles
Do we really need to be so precise with the actual gradient (0.2%) of the magnets or is it rather the integrated gradient that counts? -> Sven & Eduard: Rematching or changing of position of quadrupole could be done according to actual gradient if that is well known.
If you just want to move the quadrupole out without additional screening/shielding, then you do need to move it quite far out (like 50 cm), so this should be considered.
In 2 weeks, we should have a prototype (without the magnet) that has the correct dimensions and weight for testing.
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