May 18, 2017
Europe/Zurich timezone
hpc-ch forum


Keynote presentation

May 18, 2017, 11:00 AM
Room: New York (T-Systems)

Room: New York


T-Systems Kloten (Balsberg), Balz-Zimmermann-Strasse 7, CH-8302 Kloten


Keynote presentation: Near Real-Time Optimization of Train Traffic in Densely Used Network Areas at SBB

  • Steffen Oettich (SBB)


SBB operates one of the busiest railway networks in the world. In densely used parts of the railway network the planned headway of 2 minutes between trains requires a strict control of train sequence and train velocity to avoid unnecessary stops and additional delays.

A near real-time optimization based on mixed integer programming is used to calculate the optimum solution every 6 seconds. This optimization algorithm is an integrated component of the centralized dispatching system of SBB and in operation since 2013.

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