13–14 Feb 2018
Europe/Zurich timezone

Contribution List

11 / 11
Brad Filippone (Caltech)
13/02/2018, 14:00
Klaus Stefan Kirch (Paul Scherrer Institut)
13/02/2018, 14:05
Gilberto Colangelo (University of Bern)
13/02/2018, 14:15
Anna Soter (Paul Scherrer Institut)
13/02/2018, 15:00
Andreas Knecht (Paul Scherrer Institut)
13/02/2018, 15:25
Toshinori Mori (The University of Tokyo)
13/02/2018, 15:50
Evangeline Downie (George Washington University), Ronald Gilman (Rutgers)
13/02/2018, 16:45
Andre Schoening (University Heidelberg, Institute of Physiscs)
13/02/2018, 17:10
Georg Bison (Paul Scherrer Institut)
13/02/2018, 17:35
Brad Filippone (Caltech)
14/02/2018, 14:00
Stefan Ritt (Paul Scherrer Institut)
14/02/2018, 14:30

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