ACHIP Meeting (20 Jan 2017)
Present: Simona Bettoni; Marco Calvi; Marian Dreher; Eugenio Ferrari; Franziska Frei; Rasmus Ischebeck; Eduard Prat Costa
Status of SATSY chamber:
design is in good shape, internal review meeting was ok, meeting with collaboration scheduled in the afternoon (went well)
motor testing for the quadrupole magnets has started (D. Zehnder)
simulations on quadrupole field errors (EP): tollerance below 1% is accettable and can be corrected by changing the input matching.
MC: magnetic material under procurement. Discussion on the brazing of the support with the magnets themself. Procurement will take 2 months.
Alingment is expected to be in the 30-40 um range, integrated gradient measured with 1 permil precision.
simulations on quadrupole alignment (EF): beam under control also with only one quadrupole inserted in the chamber at a time. It's possible to scan the offset to find the center
Collaboration meeting coming next week
Status of SATSI chamber:
we will have a summer student
we have problems with controls in interfacing the chamber to the MPS of SwissFEL
MC suggests Beckhoff as motion control solution, already in use for the undulators. A dedicated meeting will be scheduled.
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