ACHIP Meeting

008 (WBBA)



ACHIP Meeting (20 Jan 2017)
Present: Simona Bettoni; Marco Calvi; Marian Dreher; Eugenio Ferrari; Franziska Frei; Rasmus Ischebeck; Eduard Prat Costa

  • Status of SATSY chamber:
    • design is in good shape, internal review meeting was ok, meeting with collaboration scheduled in the afternoon (went well)
    • motor testing for the quadrupole magnets has started (D. Zehnder)
    • simulations on quadrupole field errors (EP): tollerance below 1% is accettable and can be corrected by changing the input matching. 
    • MC: magnetic material under procurement. Discussion on the brazing of the support with the magnets themself. Procurement will take 2 months.
    • Alingment is expected to be in the 30-40 um range, integrated gradient measured with 1 permil precision.
    • simulations on quadrupole alignment (EF): beam under control also with only one quadrupole inserted in the chamber at a time. It's possible to scan the offset to find the center
  • Collaboration meeting coming next week
  • Status of SATSI chamber:
    • we will have a summer student
    • we have problems with controls in interfacing the chamber to the MPS of SwissFEL
    • MC suggests Beckhoff as motion control solution, already in use for the undulators. A dedicated meeting will be scheduled.
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