The following channels are already provided: [MBND]:B-SET (T) [MBND]:B-READ (T) [MBND]:P-SET (MeV/c) [MBND]:P-READ (MeV/c) [MBND]:ANGLE-CALC (deg) -> angle calculated from the chicane position (BC1, BC2, could also be done for the LH) [MBND]:BEND-ANGLE (deg) -> nominal angle from the holy-list [MBND]:ANGLE (deg) -> a channel foreseen for the online model, it does not seem to be used [MBND]:L-EFF (m) -> the effective length for the nominal angle (the difference with the straight L-eff is negligible except in the gun spectrometer ~1%) [MQUA]:BP-SET (T/m) [MQUA]:BP-READ (T/m) [MQUA]:L-EFF (m) [MSEX]:BPP-SET (T/m^2) [MSEX]:BPP-READ (T/m^2) [MSEX]:L-EFF (m) [all device]:X-POS (m) -> holy-list value [all device]:Y-POS (m) -> holy-list value [all device]:Z-POS (m) -> holy-list value [all device]:S-POS (m) -> holy-list value The following channel will be provided soon (all use the online-model energy channel): [MBND]:K0L-SET (1/m) -> this is 1 / bending radius [MBND]:K0L-READ (1/m) [MQUA]:K1L-SET (1/m^2) [MQUA]:K1L-READ (1/m^2) [MSEX]:K2L-SET (1/m^3) [MSEX]:K2L-READ (1/m^3)