GFA Seminars

Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility & Non Destructive Testing

by Dr. Iris Sabo-Napadensky, Dr. Ruth Weiss-Babai (NDT Departement, SOREQ NRC, Yavne, Israel)

WBGB/021 (PSI)




Soreq Applied Research Accelerator Facility - A 40 MeV, 2 mA proton and deuteron superconducting linear accelerator is currently being constructed under the auspices of and partly funded by The Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, to serve the Israeli and International scientific communities. The commissioning is planned for 2013. Its major objective is to provide an updated extension of the activities of the Soreq Research Reactor (IRR1). The applications envisaged are basic research, neutron radiography and diffraction, and development of methods for production of radiopharmaceutical isotopes.<o:p></o:p>

Soreq NRC center develops and applies Non Destructive Testing methods for specific industrial needs using: X, g and neutron radiography, computerized tomography, micro-focus radiography and micro-tomography, ultrasonics etc. It specializes in design and construction of systems based on proprietary innovative radiation detectors and software. <o:p></o:p>



Contact: Eberhard Lehmann (2963) and Daniela Kiselev (3037)<o:p></o:p>