Dear Colleagues
We cordially invite you to the 9th Symposium on Fuel Cell and Battery Modeling and Experimental Validation (ModVal 9), which will be held on 2-4 April 2012 in Sursee, located in the heart of Switzerland.
This symposium is the 9th in the series of annual events initiated in 2004 by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy. Taking place yearly in spring, the symposium alternates locations between Switzerland and Germany. |
Attendance is about 100 participants from academia and industry in European countries, USA and Canada. The symposium provides an excellent opportunity to exchange ideas, discuss new approaches and initiate international collaborations. The organizers kindly invites you to share your work with the community at ModVal 9 in April 2012.
The symposium is focused on advances in modeling and experimental validation of all fuel cell types and rechargeable batteries.
We look forward to seeing you in Sursee.
Felix N. Büchi
Lorenz Gubler
Petr Novák
Thomas J. Schmidt
Electrochemistry Laboratory, Paul Scherrer Institut
Electrochemistry Group, ETH Zürich
FCH 2012 Call Coordinators Workshop, organised by Euresearch
For those preparing submissions for the 2012 Fuel Cell and Hydrogen JU Call, Euresearch offers a cost-free workshop aimed at improving the quality of their applications. The workshop will be on 2nd April 12:00-18:00 at Campus Sursee, i.e., before Modval9. A representative of the FCH programme office will participate. To find out more and register for this complementary workshop, please click here.