16 May 2019
University of Basel
Europe/Zurich timezone
hpc-ch forum


Keynote Presentation. Deployment of the BioMedIT Infrastructure Based on OpenStack

16 May 2019, 10:15
Pharmazentrum Hörsaal 2 (University of Basel)

Pharmazentrum Hörsaal 2

University of Basel

Biozentrum Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 4056 Basel


Keynote Presentation. Deployment of the BioMedIT Infrastructure Based on OpenStack

  • Martin Jacquot (University of Basel)


sciCORE is deploying a secure IT infrastructure in Basel for the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) national initiative, in the context of the project BioMedIT. The purpose of this project is to support the personalized health research and setup the equipment providing the appropriate technology and fulfil the security requirements. In this presentation, we will introduce the constraints of BioMedIT nodes in term of functionality, interoperability and security, explain the choice of OpenStack, the architecture of the infrastructure and describe the technical management of the project.

Presentation materials

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