16 May 2019
University of Basel
Europe/Zurich timezone
hpc-ch forum


Kubernetes for Biomedical Analysis

16 May 2019, 11:00
Pharmazentrum Hörsaal 2 (University of Basel)

Pharmazentrum Hörsaal 2

University of Basel

Biozentrum Klingelbergstrasse 50/70 4056 Basel


Kubernetes for Biomedical Analysis

  • Kevin Sayers (University of Basel)


SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics BioMedIT project is developing the computing infrastructure which will enable biomedical analyses on sensitive human data across multiple sites as part of the Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN). A key component of this work is to enable portable workflows which can take the analysis to the data. The research analyses being done vary widely from exploratory data analysis in interactive notebooks to machine learning. This presentation will focus on our experience assessing Kubernetes to support these biomedical workloads, and the benefits it provides to researchers in the community.

Presentation materials

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