The Fe-Zr-O ternary system is essential in order to estimate the possible material interactions during a severe accident of nuclear power plant. In the reactor vessel, the core losing its cooling ability drives temperature escalation due to decay heat, leading to the onset of U-Zr-O melt formation about at 2173 K which is 1000 K lower than the melting point of UO2. The melt can go through the...
The U-Zr-Fe-O system is of paramount importance for severe accident studies on light water reactors. This chemical system is characterized by a miscibility gap in the liquid phase. This means that two liquids, one metallic and one oxide, can coexist in a wide range of temperature and composition. Experimental data on this miscibility gap are rare: experimental difficulties related to the...
In order to support the constant improvement of nuclear technology, the Molten Salt Fast Reactors (MSFR) were proposed satisfying the main goals of the Generation IV Nuclear Reactors as sustainability, safety and reliability, economic competitiveness and proliferation resistance. The peculiarity and innovation of the MSFR technology is the use of liquid fuel, a molten salt mixture in which...
The Sodium Fast Reactor (SFR) is one of the reference reactor among generation IV nuclear systems. The investigation of severe accidents is essential for the design of SFR reactors. In fact, during a severe accident, the MOX fuel, steel cladding and B4C neutronic absorbers can interact forming a complex mixture of gas, liquid and solid phases. In order to predict the phase equilibria at high...