SwissFEL operation software meeting

Working group for SwissFEL operation panels and tools.

Present: Didier, Christoph, Nicole, Alessandro, Marco, Nicolas

  • Alessandro will start working on an operation gas detector panel. This should display the gas detector reading and give access to the relevant settings and expert controls (HV settings, photon energy, etc) that are currently distributed on several panels. A photonics motion overview panel should also be developed for movable photonics devices (screen, collimators, etc). Eventually could be a single photonics panel with several tabs for different devices... Alessandro will decide;-)
  • Christoph proposes to develop a Snapshot client (python) that would provide SwissFEL specific features based on the snapshot server tool. It could for example provide snap file filters and setting filters inside a snap file, options for reloading settings in groups, have specific exceptions for certain channels (feedback channels). Christoph will prepare a request list to be discussed.
  • Alessandro will prepare a JIRA entry listing all improvement request and bugs for the archiver viewer (and close the already open entries). 
  • Nicole will discuss with Simon how to implement server/client tools for example for the machine learning.
  • Alessandro suggests creating a new widget combining features of caSpinbox and caApplyNumeric. In general who is now in charge for such requests. Simon?
  • A 'set current RF phase as on-crest phase' button should be added to the RF station panels. Nicole created a ticket for Stephan.
  • The HVPS checkbox on the RF panels is not compatible with the snapshot tool. It would be much better if this was handled internally in the RF system i.e. if the user sends a new amplitude the HV should be recalculated automatically and then the station should go back to saturation mode. Nicole created a JIRA issue for RF.
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