CAS Accelerator Seminars

Development of the CLARA laser systems

by Calum Tollervey (STFC Daresbury Laboratory)

WBGB/019 (PSI)




The compact linear accelerator for research and applications (CLARA) is a versatile linac currently under development in Daresebury Laboratory. CLARA aims to provide a platform to test concepts which will ensure the success of a future UK FEL facility. In the past year however CLARA has also been exploited as a test bed for developments in novel acceleration, electron beam diagnostics, and medical physics research. The need to meet these use cases puts strict requirements on the technical systems, and in particular the laser systems, both in the photoinjector and the timing and synchronisation side.

This talk will cover some of the work that has been done over the past year using CLARA, and some of the corresponding work that was done on the laser side to meet the requirements. We will also cover some plans for future development with FEBE, our full energy beam exploitation station, part of the next phase of CLARA’s development.

For more details, contact Carlo Vicario at 3162