The PSI-specific, hands-on summer school on ML, addressed (primarily) to the students and post-docs of PSI.
Hands-on: the participants, upon conclusion of the school, should have had a practical experience which will allow them to put the tools they've learned into use.
Summer School: should be seen by the participants as a learning opportunity, that requires their full commitment (participation daily in all lectures and activities).
PSI-specific: the topics and methods taught, should have a direct connection to the research and projects happening (or could happen in the future) at the PSI facilities. Participants should be exposed to the methods most relevant and applicable to PSI needs. Would be great if some of the hands-on exercises and demonstrations could then be done with PSI data, or if some of the keynote speakers are from PSI and present applications of ML in their research.
- 5-day summer school
- Daily lecturs from 9:00 to 16:00 (with lunch break and 2 coffee breaks)
- Free hands-on sessions after 16:00 with tutors on site to discuss, debug, collaborate (between participants)
- Interjected science talks from invited speakers: ETHZ, PSI, SDSC, EPFL, on research with ML