bERLinPro โ€“ the Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project Status, challenges and optics aspects

by Mrs Bettina Kuske (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin)

OSGE/EG06 (Paul Scherrer Institut)


Paul Scherrer Institut

Forschungsstrasse 111 CH-5232 Villigen

bERLinPro is an Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) project currently being set up at HZB, Berlin, Germany. It includes GunLab, a setup for the development and test of superconducting guns. bERLinPro is designed as a test facility for ERL technology. It also is an experiment in ERL physics, to illuminate benefits and boundaries of ERL accelerators. Civil construction is completed and commissioning is planned for early 2020. The talk describes the status of the project, discusses some of the problems encountered and outlines future plans. Challenges of ERL optics are presented. Different adaptions of the optics to project changes are discussed.

Organised by

Andreas Adelmann