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Minutes of the LEAPS LIDs meeting from September, 26 2019
participants: Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, Simone Di Mitri, Thomas Schmidt, Hans Braun, Pavel Evtushenko, Axel Bernhard, Britta Redlich, Johannes Bahrdt, Ed Rial, Bruno Diviacco, Sara Casalbuoni, Adriana Wawrzyniak, Markus Tischer, Josep Campmany, Jim Clarke
excused: Hamed Tarawneh
Topic: Kick-off Meeting to prepare the LEAPS INFRAINNOV call
The INFRAINNOV call will be open from Nov 28 - March 17 and is coordinated by DESY. The volume for ID R&D is 2M€ out of a total 10M€ which will be asked by LEAPS. The project duration will be 3 years, starting most probably in 2021.
The board asked Marie-Emmamuelle to lead the ID, assisted by Simone and Thomas.
End of July, we got the request to prepare a draft version until October 1st. From the original agreement of the LEAPS meeting in Berlin in 2018 we tried to adapt the activities to the shorter time and money (there was a confusion for a budget cut which turned out was only a misunderstanding). The INFRAINNOV call can be found also on this web site.
Personnel: Joachim Pflüger is retired and followed by Sara Casalbuoni. Axel Bernhard is now in charge for KIT. Ed Rial changed to HZB where Johannes will go into (partly) retirement end of the year. HZB however will be represented by Carsten Kuhn, Stephen Milward will be the contact to Diamond.
The topics which we will work on in the three years have been discussed. It turned out that fixed gap APPLE development at ELETTRA has improved already and will be finished at the start of the project. We agreed to go with 4 prototypes
Proto 1: HTS PSI, ESRF (interested: DESY)
Proto 2: short period CMPU (12mm period, 3mm gap) SOLEIL, DLS ( ELETTRA, DESY, BESSY, PSI)
Proto 3: APPLE X compact MAX IV, ELETTRA? (DESY, PSI, ...)
Proto 4: cryogenic APPLE HZB, SOLEIL (DLS, ... )
comment: LIDs was presented to LEAPS with some high risk projects, but also more evolutionary projects which can make the technology accessible to a wider community.
Measurement systems
Meas 1: pulsed-wired EUXFEL, ? (DLS, SOLEIL, ESRF, HZB, KIT, DESY, PSI)
Meas 2: multi Hall - probe system (also small gaps: 4 (3)mm, in-vacuum, cryo ALBA, ? (DLS, DESY, ELETTRA,HZB,MAX IV, SOLEIL; KIT)
Lab status
The institutes which are not directly involved in prototype development or measurements of IDs, namely INFN, SOLARIS, FELIX and HZDR should get better a status as associated partners with a more observer status. Adriana, Britta and Pavel agreed on that, INFN has to be asked.
We will not involve industry directly in the prototype development in this first phase. To make industry cooperation visible we will in a first step collect information
- links to industry (short description)
- Technology transfer, joined patents, spin-off companies
In a second step we can write a letter to the industry which explains LEAPS, the ID development with the idea of possible Tech Trans (TT) later. We can organise and invite industry to regular information exchange and ask them for a letter of support, which can make the interest of industry visible.
Tasks / Next steps
Marie, Simone and Thomas will prepare a draft proposal including a rough draft. In addition, we need Task leaders to for the prototypes, measurement systems, management and industry connection.
A follow up meeting will be in a couple of weeks and invited again via doodle.
T. Schmidt