Webinar: ML Luncheon
Thursday 16 April 2020 -
Monday 13 April 2020
Tuesday 14 April 2020
Wednesday 15 April 2020
Thursday 16 April 2020
Phase Space Tomography with Wire Scanners
Benedikt Hermann
Phase Space Tomography with Wire Scanners
Benedikt Hermann
11:30 - 12:00
Room: OHSA/E13
Anomaly Detection on Streaming Data using Hierarchical Temporal Memory (and LSTM)
Jaime Maria Coello de Portugal Martinez Vazquez
PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut
Anomaly Detection on Streaming Data using Hierarchical Temporal Memory (and LSTM)
Jaime Maria Coello de Portugal Martinez Vazquez
PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut
12:00 - 12:30
Room: OHSA/E13