The High Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) is the new flagship project of CERN. Approved in 2013, it aims at a substantial upgrade of the collider to increase by a factor ten the statistics of the LHC data at the horizon of 2035-40. The upgrade relies on several cutting edge technologies; among them, large aperture superconducting magnets shall replace the present hardware to allow a smaller beam size in two interaction points. The project involves the construction of about 100 magnets of 6 different types: the quadrupole triplet, two main dipoles and three orbit correctors. The triplet, manufactured at CERN and in US, will consist of a series of 30 magnets relying of Nb3Sn technology, with an operational peak field of 11.5 T. This will be the first Nb3Sn magnet miniseries to be installed in a particle accelerator. The other five magnets, all relying on Nb-Ti technology, and presenting non trivial challenges in the design and construction, shall be manufactured under the responsibility of Japan, China, Spain, and Italy. The project is now in the phase of transition between the end of the prototype and beginning of the series construction. In this paper we review the magnet requirements and design, the technological challenges with respect to previous projects, and we summarize the main steps that have been taken to validate the baseline.
For details, contact Stéphane Sanfilippo