11 September 2020
Password: 220997
Europe/Zurich timezone


Crazy Ideas - Flash presentations (1 slide)

11 Sept 2020, 14:30
https://ethz.zoom.us/j/95845387150 (Password: 220997)


Password: 220997

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Presentation materials

Manuel Guizar Sicairos (Paul Scherrer Institut)
11/09/2020, 14:30
Pablo Villanueva Perez
11/09/2020, 14:35
Jörg Standfuss (Paul Scherrer Institut)
11/09/2020, 14:40
Dr Simon Gerber (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
11/09/2020, 14:45
Christopher Milne (Paul Scherrer Institut)
11/09/2020, 14:50
Joanna Hoszowska (University of Fribourg, Department of Physics)
11/09/2020, 15:00
Building timetable...