November 21, 2011
University of Berne
Europe/Zurich timezone
The SwissFEL team of the Paul Scherrer Institute invites you to the November workshop on hard X-ray instrumentation at the SwissFEL X-ray Free Electron Laser facility. The purpose of the workshop is to assist in the planning of the ARAMIS beamlines and experimental stations. Workshop 2: November 21, 2011: Scattering and diffraction Note: This is a workshop with only Poster presentations! Goals of the Workshop: 1. Find out your requirements for optics at the ARAMIS beamline 2. Find out your requirements on the experimental infrastructure From your Poster presentations we expect: • new EXPERIMENTS! • X-RAY PARAMETERS • sketches of EXPERIMENTAL SETUP • answer to questions from the Workshop Brochure page 8 and 9 • any other topics which are crucial Please send us your Poster in A0 Format before the 10th of November (email: Stefanie.steinbrü, so that we can print the posters and put them in the Posterbook that will be distributed at the workshop. In order to have a maximum benefit from the workshop please read the workshop brochure, which you can download on the left side of this page. For the presentation of your poster during the workshop, please prepare a short powerpoint presentation of 5 minutes.
University of Berne
Hallerstrasse 6 3012 Berne