21 November 2011
University of Berne
Europe/Zurich timezone

Coherent Control of Microscopic Order: High Field THz and Xray experiments at the SwissFEL

21 Nov 2011, 10:30
205 (University of Berne)


University of Berne

Hallerstrasse 6 3012 Berne


Dr Jeremy Johnson (PSI)Mr Sebastian Grübel (PSI)Ms Teresa Kubacka (ETHZ)


With the advent of electromagnetic radiation sources in the range from 0.1 to 10 THz, new ways to study fundamental physics phenomena have become accessible. THz sources capable of generating MV/cm transient electric field strengths are beginning to allow the investigation of nonlinear responses, and even coherent control, in a host of materials in a way not possible with other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Direct coherent control over collective excitations in systems where ultrafast changes in structure indicate rich physical processes could be insightfully studied with ultrafast Xray diffraction. The high intensity and time resolution of the proposed SwissFEL in tandem with single cycle, broadband THz pulses for non-resonant excitation or multiple cycle, narrowband THz radiation for resonant excitation would make the study of such phenomena possible. Great flexibility in bandwidth (from broadband to narrowband), polarization, and high field strength of the generated THz radiation are all central to the success of such experiments.

Primary author

Dr Jeremy Johnson (PSI)


Dr Gerhard Ingold (PSI) Dr Paul Beaud (PSI) Mr Sebastian Grübel (PSI) Prof. Steven Johnson (ETHZ) Ms Teresa Kubacka (ETHZ)

Presentation materials