21 November 2011
University of Berne
Europe/Zurich timezone

2D Membrane Protein Crystal Diffraction

21 Nov 2011, 11:20
205 (University of Berne)


University of Berne

Hallerstrasse 6 3012 Berne


Bill Pedrini (PSI)


Authors: Ching-Ju Tsai1, Bill Pedrini2, Cameron M. Kewish3, Bruce D. Patterson2, Rafael Abela2, Gebhard Schertler1, Xiao-Dan Li1 1Laboratory of Biomolecular Research and 2SwissFEL Project, Paul Scherrer Institute, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland 3Synchrotron Soleil, L’ Orme des Merisiers, BP 48 Saint Aubin, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex, France Abstract: Most of the known protein structures have been determined by synchrotron source X-ray crystallography, which requires macroscopic crystals of larger than 1m in size to overcome radiation damage and achieve subnanometer resolution. Obtaining well-ordered crystals of such size can be challenging, time-consuming, expensive and in many cases impossible. Three dimensional (3D) nanocrystals and two-dimensional (2D) crystals of membrane proteins can be obtained, which are an important class of drug targets. However, such samples do not provide sufficient signal intensity in synchrotron experiments. With the advent of Free Electron Lasers (FELs), it has become possible to collect a large number of diffraction images from many samples in the so called "diffract and destroy mode". Chapman and collaborators [1] have shown first results using Photosystem I 3D nanocrystals, which were injected into the X-ray beam with a liquid mother liquor jet. Here we discuss a similar experiment using micrometer sized 2D membrane protein crystals. Sample refreshing is achieved by scanning the sample to diffract the incoming X-ray beam at a different, undamaged position each time. The main issues for the experiment are the positioning of the sample at a scale smaller than the typical size of a crystal, and a sufficient incoming X-ray photon flux, as is always the case when the number of diffracting atoms is reduced. It has also been suggested that the full transverse coherence will the 2D crystallographic phase problem to be solved iteratively [2], for which the achievement of a submicrometer focus will be of critical importance. [1] H. N. Chapman et al., Nature 470, 73-78 (2011) [2] C. M. Kewish et al., New J. Phys 12, 035005 (2010)

Primary author

Bill Pedrini (PSI)

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