1:00 PM
MEG General introduction
Angela Papa
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
Francesco Renga
(INFN Roma)
1:15 PM
MEG Tracking: Gaseous Detectors
Francesco Renga
(INFN Roma)
1:30 PM
MEG Tracking: Silicon Detectors
Andre Schoening
(University Heidelberg, Institute of Physics)
1:45 PM
MEG with Conversion Photon Spectrometer
Wataru Ootani
(Univ. of Tokyo)
2:20 PM
moments 07
Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
2:50 PM
muSR II 08: High Intensity Muons for superconductors, nanomagnets and quantum entangled states
Roberto De Renzi
(University of Parma)
3:50 PM
2A MEG Parallel
Angela Papa
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
3:50 PM
2B moments Parallel
Philipp Schmidt-Wellenburg
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
3:50 PM
2C muSR II Parallel
Zaher Salman
(PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)