Apr 6 – 9, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

The resulting paper from this workshop can be found at the arXiv

So you want to relax and attend another workshop? Sorry, then this might not be for you. This workshop has no attendees.

You want to actively contribute to the development of the physics case for HIMB, a continuous high-intensity muon beam at PSI with 10^10 μ/s? Now you're talking!

The various beam scenarios considered are attached below as a PDF file "HIMB Scenarios".

The development of the HIMB physics case is organised in 10 cases and a pool with further ideas. At the workshop, each case will have a presentation of 30 minutes (60 minutes in total for the pool), followed by a parallel session, where contributors give their input and help to shape the various cases.

Please register for the workshop as contributor to at least two, better 3 cases. Make sure to avoid a time clash for the parallel sessions.

The material for each case will be made available by the team leaders 10 days before the workshop starts. Contributors are encouraged to look at this material ahead of the workshop and prepare to give constructive feedback and suggestions, mainly during the parallel session.

If you want to become part of a team, please contact the team leaders.

If you have an idea for another contribution to the pool, please contact the organisers.

Case Parallel Topic Team
01 1A Mu3e I A. Schöning, N. Berger
02 1A Mu3e II A. Schöning, N. Berger
03 1B muCool A. Antognini, M. Aiba, A. Papa
04 1C muSR I T. Prokscha
05 2A MEG T. Mori, W. Ootani, A. Papa
06 2A MEG-C F. Renga, A. Schöning
07 2B moments P. Schmidt-Wellenburg, A. Crivellin
08 2C muSR II Z. Salman
09 3A muSR III H. Luetkens
10 3B muonium A. Soter, P. Crivelli
P 3C pool  










Pool Case   Team
P1 mu- F. Wauters
P2 e+/- A. Papa
P3 mu decay S. Davidson, A. Crivellin, A. Signer
P4 M-Mbar U. Langenegger
P5 muon conversion A. Knecht


The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.