RI points out difficulty finding reference parameters for the various machines (OBLA, injector). There is RB's web page, which will be replaced by the “city” database, an oracle database that stores positions and other properties of all machine components. Therefore, now would be a good time to discuss what we actually want!
Some disagreement whether magnet field strengths (for instance) should be in the database or not. On the one hand, these values depend on the specific optimization, therefore will change all the time (AO, YK), on the other hand it would be good to have one “reference machine” we can agree on (BS, RG).
The work on the database has already started (RB with Renata Krempaska, who is in charge of the database) – we should decide soon what we want!
The discussion is cut short due to a solid time constraint but should be continued in a separate meeting...