Selected questions and discussion:
VS: How well do we have to control the laser profile?
YK: This was discussed with CH, we can reach a rise and fall time of 0.5 ps, in my simulation I have assumed 0.7 ps.
MD: A very hard edge does not really help for low emittance, 0.7 ps is certainly enough!
JYR: Despite the wakefields you still operate LINAC2 on-crest?
YK: Yes.
MP: What have you budgeted for the total length?
YK: After BC2 diagnostics, I allow for 60 m for DIAG3, dog leg and switch yard.
VS (on p. 17): Why do we have such a nice Gauss profile?
YK: We have the X-band linearizer (FLASH does not)!
AO: How does your number of S-band tubes compare to that used by Rene Bakker?
YK: I need 90 tubes for 6 GeV, don't know the number in Rene's design. Clearly when running off-crest you need more tubes than on-crest.
JYR (on p. 59): Be careful about the Japanese 40 MV/m S-band results, there is no information on the breakdown rate!
SR: You are using a lot of off-crest acceleration to get rid of the chirp. Have you considered using X-band instead?
YK: The RF jitter tolerance would be too severe for X-band acceleration! We might consider an X-band structure without RF to add short-range wakefield. MD: At the very end of the linac, you are far less sensitive to jitter.
VS: The undulator has 5 mm aperture, we will need precise control of the beam anyway!
JYR: But if you run off-crest, you are more sensitive to jitter...
JYR: What is the amplitude stability?
YK: We need 0.01 percent stability in RF amplitude (phase 0.01 degree) before BC2, after that it will be less critical.
SRe (on p. 49): With 40 degrees off-crest acceleration you are wasting a lot of energy!
YK: It depends on the chirp, i.e. FEL performance, decision must come from the user side!
AA: What is your error bar on the 0.33 emittance?
YK: From the convergence with particle number I guess it is around 0.4 (50k give 0.3416, 200k give 0.3454)
AA: What grid are you using?
YK: In ASTRA 15 radial and 20 longitudinal, for CSR studies 150 time slices in the bunch compressor.
FLP: So you're assuming 0.2 initial emittance for the CERN gun, but what if it is 0.3? Will it be a problem for the project?
YK: All slice parameters go up, so we will end up at 0.4 rather than 0.3. The facility would become longer correspondingly