FELSI Meeting 3. October 2008

WBGB 021 (PSI)

WBGB 021


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      Benedikt Oswald: Field Emission Studies
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      Frederic Le Pimpec: mentions that the modeling of mechanical deformation due to thermal effects is even more important, in his than opinion, than the extension of the Drude model for dispersive dielectric materials to the Drude-Lorentz model; asks for coordination of research in the field of cathodes and is answered by Terence Garvey that such synchronization has indeed taken place and will happen in the future. Marco Pedrozzi: formulates the objectives of this research in his perspective, namely (i) support modelling capabilities of experimenters (ii) provide more accurate initial conditions for beam dynamics simulations. Alexander Anghel: asks for specific details of the implementation of the Hertzian dipole source; he was answered by Benedikt Oswald that it is realized as Dirac distribution and full details are available in the recently published paper by Oswald et al, Finite Element Time Domain Analysis of an Asymmetric Near Field Proble, Journal of Theoretical and Computational Nanoscience, 2008. Terence Garvey: asks for a time schedule; he is answered by Benedikt Oswald that the time schedule is in preparation, as part of the research proposal for a European Research Council (ERC) grant and will be adapted to the specific needs of the PSI-XFEL project, also with respect to technical priorities, e.g. dielectric models versus thermal modelling; also, this meeting should provide some indication on the priorities for further research in the field of nanostructured field emitters. Leonid Rivkin: mentions that it would be better if one could start earlier and would not have to wait until the funds from the Swiss National Fund project (that has recently been submitted) are available. Benedikt Oswald: mentions that this is indeed what he would prefer anyway. Romain Ganter: asks if the present state of the model could also be applied to simulate a standard (thermionic) photocathode, e.g. surface roughness etc.; Benedikt Oswald answers that this would be possible and Terence Garvey mentions that the proposed research will focus on nano-structured needle cathodes and field emitter devices. 1210 Meeting is closed.