4–6 Jul 2012
<a href="http://www.ethz.ch/index_EN">ETH Zurich</a>
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Chasing changing catalysts with XAFS and high energy X-ray techniques combined with infrared spectroscopy

4 Jul 2012, 13:50
Auditorium HG E3

Auditorium HG E3

Invited oral contribution Catalysis Catalysis Session 1


Dr Mark Newton (ESRF, Grenoble, France)


Starting from a synchronous combination of XAFS with Diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy (DRIFTS), a novel combination of very hard (86 keV) X-ray diffraction with DRIFTS will be outlined. The potential for combining these techniques for the in situ study of the dynamic structural-reactive behaviour of working catalysts with high (<<1 second) time resolution will be demonstrated using the examples of nanoparticulate Pd/Al2O3 and Pd/CeZrO4/Al2O3 catalysts during CO/NO cycling. Further, recent results, obtained from 1 wt% Pt/Al2O3 catalysts during stoichiometric - lean CO/O2 cycling, using a time resolved Pair distribution function (PDF) approach to analysis of hard (60 keV) X-ray scattering data will be presented and contrasted with time resolved XAFS measurements of the same systems. Lastly, the combination of total X-ray scattering/PDF techniques with DRIFTS, and the possibility of directly combining XAFS with total scattering approaches in one beamline, will also be discussed.

Primary author

Dr Mark Newton (ESRF, Grenoble, France)

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