Dominique Bourgeois
04/07/2012, 10:20
Biological / Pharmaceutical Research
Invited oral contribution
Structural biology relies increasingly on complementary methods that are applied to the same sample. In crystallo optical spectroscopy is a method of choice to assess the relevance of crystallographic structures, characterize colored ligands, monitor chemical changes induced by the X-ray beam, or identify intermediate states trapped in the crystal. Specifically, combining optical (absorbance,...
Arwen Pearson
(Astbury Centre for Structural Molecular Biology, University of Leeds)
04/07/2012, 10:50
Biological / Pharmaceutical Research
Invited oral contribution
The fundamental aim of structural biology is to understand the molecular basis of life. To achieve this, a high resolution description of how the system changes with time is required. Single time-averaged structures, for example those of cryotrapped intermediates, provide snap-shots of a reaction that yield considerable information. However, cryotrapping approaches are limited to the study of...
Hideo Okumura
04/07/2012, 11:20
Biological / Pharmaceutical Research
Oral contribution
Spectroscopic measurement combined with X-ray diffraction study is an important technique to elucidate the structure-function relationships of proteins. At SPring-8, two types of on-line micro-spectrophotometer (MS) for absorption spectroscopy have been dedicated to macromolecular crystallography (MX). The one is designed to measure Vis absorption spectra simply and at high-speed with CCD...
David von Stetten
(European Synchrotron Radiation Facility)
04/07/2012, 11:40
Biological / Pharmaceutical Research
Oral contribution
The Cryobench laboratory of the ESRF has been founded in 1999 in order to record UV-visible absorption and fluorescence emission spectra of protein crystals [1]. The possibilities of recording Raman spectra and fluorescence lifetime histograms were later added, while the laboratory was rebuilt and expanded [2,3]. In the context of the ESRF upgrade programme, the Cryobench was rebuilt in 2009...
Florian Dworkowski
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
04/07/2012, 12:00
Oral contribution
Macromolecular Crystallography of proteins is one of the fundamental tools of a structural biologist. However, this method does not yield information on, for example, the chemical state of co-factors, the redox state of metal centers or disulphides, or the identity of bound ligands. Many of these observations can be directly or indirectly linked to radiation damage, one of the central...