May 11 – 12, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

SIMEX – a platform to perform start-to-end simulations of XFEL experiments

May 11, 2021, 5:20 PM
Online (Zoom)




E. Juncheng (EUXFEL)


Experiments conducted in large scientific research infrastructures, such as synchrotrons, free electron lasers, and neutron sources become increasingly complex. Such experiments, often investigating complex physical systems, are usually performed under strict time limitations and may depend critically on experimental parameters. To prepare and analyze these complex experiments, a virtual laboratory that provides start-to-end simulation tools can help experimenters predict experimental results under real or close to real instrument conditions. Such a tool should be able to show the effects of experimental parameters on the final experimental results and help educate PhD students and new staff. In this presentation, we introduce the design and current status of SIMEX, a platform to perform start-to-end SIMulations of EXperiments at XFEL facilities.

Presentation materials