
State-of-the-art for the thermal-hydraulic (TH) analysis 02

30 Mar 2022, 15:15
WHGA 001 (PSI Auditorium)

WHGA 001

PSI Auditorium

Forshungsstrasse 111, PSI West


State-of-the-art for the thermal-hydraulic (TH) analysis 02: State-of-the-art for the thermal-hydraulic (TH) analysis

  • Ivor David Clifford (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)

Presentation materials

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Dr Richard Trewin (Framatome)
30/03/2022, 15:15
Ivor David Clifford (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
30/03/2022, 16:00
Building timetable...