7 October 2021
Bâtiment Agora
Europe/Zurich timezone
hpc-ch forum


Sensitive Genomics Data Analysis in Real Time for Clinical Proposes - the User’s Perspective

7 Oct 2021, 11:30
Auditoire Paternot (Bâtiment Agora)

Auditoire Paternot

Bâtiment Agora

Rue du Bugnon 25A, 1005 Lausanne


Sensitive Genomics Data Analysis in Real Time for Clinical Proposes - the User’s Perspective

  • Michal Bassani (CHUV)


Cancer immunotherapy has revolutionized the clinical outcome of patients. At the Department of Oncology at the CHUV, several phase I personalized cancer vaccines and adoptive T cells based therapies trials have been launched and a few more are under development. These exploratory therapies are based on the activation of the immune system to recognize and eliminate tumors based on recognition of mutated neoantigens presented specifically on the surface of cancer cells. Mutations are often private to each patient, hence comprehensive target discovery approaches have been put in place, including whole exome sequencing, transcriptomics and mass spectrometry based immunopeptidomics analyses. The computation analyses of such sensitive data must be completed within a define timeframe required for the manufacturing of the treatment products.

In my presentation I will describe the computational pipeline for antigen discovery that we have developed for these trials and will discuss IT challenges related to the implementation of such a pipeline in the interface between research and clinical practices.

Presentation materials

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