Oct 16 – 21, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


Participants will be accommodated in the lively town of Baden, between Zurich and PSI.

Baden (Info on Baden) is situated approx. 10 km from the Paul Scherrer Institute and has several restaurant and bars located in its historic center. (see on map).

We have made block reservations in the following hotels:

Rooms are reserved on a "first come – first served" basis. Prices are guaranteed until July 25, 2022. 

For room reservations please contact the hotels directly and indicate "PSI2022" to get a room of the block reservation at the special rate.



Transport from the hotel to PSI

  • Workshop bus

Bus transfers from the hotels to PSI in the morning and back in the evening will be organized. Busses will leave in the morning at 8:15 at the hotels.

  • Public transport (timetables can be found on www.sbb.ch).

- by train from Baden to Siggenthal-Station (5 min) and then direct bus to PSI (~10min)
- by train from Baden to Brugg (5min) and then direct bus to PSI (~15min)