14 December 2021
Video Conference
Europe/Zurich timezone


Update from the current partners and new partners

14 Dec 2021, 13:15
Zoom (Video Conference)


Video Conference

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Luca Bottura (CERN)
14/12/2021, 13:15
Pierre Vedrine (CEA Saclay)
14/12/2021, 13:18
Charles Simon
14/12/2021, 13:21
Simon Canfer
14/12/2021, 13:24
Klaus-Peter Weiss
14/12/2021, 13:27
Michael Gehring
14/12/2021, 13:30
John Burgoyne (Oxford Instruments)
14/12/2021, 13:33
Pascal Tixador
14/12/2021, 13:36
Chris Riley
14/12/2021, 13:39
Matteo Alessandrini (Bruker BioSpin AG)
14/12/2021, 13:42
Aubele André (Bruker EAS GmbH)
14/12/2021, 13:45
Umberto Gambardella
14/12/2021, 13:48
Carmine Senatore (University of Geneva)
14/12/2021, 13:51
Darius Bocian
14/12/2021, 13:54
Sara Landvogt (Theva)
14/12/2021, 13:57
Marco Breschi (University of Bologna and INFN Sezione di Bologna)
14/12/2021, 14:00
Serdar Atamert
14/12/2021, 14:03
Chris Grovenor
14/12/2021, 14:09
Ziad Melhem (Ox. Inst.)
14/12/2021, 14:12
Angel Garcia (ELYTT ENERGY)
Stephane Sanfilippo (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
Frederick Forest
Ben Leigh (Tesla Engineerign Ltd.)
Building timetable...