Nov 22 – 24, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

The main goal of the workshop is to bring together experts in the fields of magnetism and topology in order to discuss the accomplished progress and perspectives for future developments in the field of bulk magnetic topological materials. The program will cover fundamental aspects such as symmetry in topology, focus on topological and emergent properties of non-collinear magnets and multi-k spin textures as well as related experimental and theoretical methods. While a broad overview of the field will be discussed, a particular emphasis will be on the application of scattering techniques for the experimental elucidation of complex magnetic phases and textures. We aim to develop interdisciplinary communication and collaborations among internationally leading experts and to encourage young researchers to contribute to the field.


The workshop will be held at the Herzberg near Aarau, about 1 hour from both Zürich and PSI:

Participants with on-site accommodation are expected to arrive on 21st November around 18:00 (dinner included in full board registration fees) and to departure on 24th November around 17:00.


How to get there?
A special bus will depart at 18:10 from Aarau main station (Bahnhof) towards Herzberg on 21st November. The dinner on 21st November is included in the full board registration for participants with on-site accommodation. For participants who would travel outside these time windows, shuttles between the Herzberg and the closest bus stop (Staffelegg, Passhöhe) can be organised on request.

A special bus will depart at 17:00 from Herzberg towards Aarau main station (Bahnhof) on 24th November.

Should you have any questions, please contact the organisers at 


A map of the on-site directions is available (link to 'directions.pdf' below). For more information about bus and train connections in Switzerland, please consult

Herzberg 193 5025 Asp Switzerland
Go to map

Invited speakers (confirmed):

Ryotaro Arita, University of Tokyo

Cristian D. Batista, University of Tennessee & ORNL

Andrew Boothroyd, University of Oxford

Joseph G. Checkelsky, MIT

Yukako Fujishiro, RIKEN

Börge Göbel, Halle University

Zurab Guguchia, PSI

Max Hirschberger, RIKEN

Ludovic Jaubert, CNRS Bordeaux

Andras Kovacs, Forschungszentrum Jülich

Nicola Marzari, EPFL & PSI

Paul McClarty, MPI Dresden

Markus Mueller, PSI

Titus Neupert, University of Zürich

Vladimir Pomjakushin, PSI

Shinichiro Seki, University of Tokyo

Wolfgang Simeth, PSI

Nicola Spaldin, ETHZ

Youtaro Takahashi, RIKEN

Yoshinori Tokura, RIKEN

Kentaro Ueda, University of Tokyo

Yasutomo Uemura, Columbia University

Victor Ukleev, BESSY, HZB

Maia G. Vergniory, Max Planck for Chemical Physics of Solids



Invitation letters can be provided on request. Please contact the organisers at