Oct 5 – 7, 2022
at Paul Scherrer Institut
Europe/Zurich timezone

Venue and travel


Paul Scherrer Institut, PSI West
Room in Time OUT - WBGB/019
Forschungsstrasse 111
CH-5232 Villigen

There will be a signage, showing the way to the course.

How to get to the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI)


By car:

Programming of the navigation system:
For PSI West: enter city "Villigen", street "PSI"
For PSI East: enter city "Würenlingen", street "PSI"
It is permitted to use the connecting road across the river Aare

You can reach PSI via Brugg or Baden.

Via Brugg:
Follow the Koblenz–Zurzach signs through Brugg. After passing through Lauffohr and a short hill, branch off to the left towards Remigen/Villigen; then after about 500 m turn right towards Villigen. Approximately 1 km after leaving Villigen you will reach PSI West. You can drive to PSI East via the bridge over the river Aare.

Via Baden:
Follow the Koblenz–Zurzach signs through Baden. Drive through Nussbaumen, Untersiggenthal and Station Siggenthal. Approximately 1.5 km beyond the roundabout, follow the sign left towards PSI at the crossroads and you will reach PSI East. You can drive to PSI West via the bridge over the river Aare.

By public transport:

Brugg is on the train line (Zürich–Basel, Zürich–Bern). You can take a public bus (Postauto) from Brugg railway station. Take the Brugg–PSI–Böttstein–Döttingen bus, and within 20 minutes you will arrive at PSI.


PSI Buildings: