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- Shaddy Ahmed
Kayte Altieri
- Speaker at Recent work over the Southern Ocean
- Andrea Baccarini
- Thorsten Bartels-Rausch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Anne Blechschmidt
- Byron Blomquist
- Erin Boedicker
- James Brean
Susannah Burrows
- Speaker at ESMs + biogeochemistry to clouds
Lucy Carpenter
- Speaker at Iodine chemistry in the polar regions
- Jessie Creamean
- Betty Croft
- Zhiwen Dong (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Sonya Fiddes
- Speaker at Defining the "Polar Front"
- Speaker at How can we ensure new observations really guide model development?
- Kirsten Fossum
- Hannes Griesche
- Keiichiro Hara
Detlef Helmig
- Speaker at Trace gas flux in/above snow
- Nicolas Huneeus
- Luisa Ickes
- Adel Igel
- Lyatt Jaegle
Jörg Kleffmann
(University of Wuppertal)
- Speaker at Eddy accumulation HONO flux measurements
- Max Maahn
Anoop Mahajan
- Speaker at Iodine chemistry over the Southern Ocean
- Marc Mallet
- Louis Marelle
- Christina McCluskey
- Greg McFarquhar (The University of Oklahoma)
- Martine Michou
- Kathryn Moore
- Ben Murray
Daiki Nomura
- Speaker at GHG flux chamber measurements above sea ice
- Kerri Pratt
Leighton Regayre
(University of Leeds)
- Speaker at Importance of remote marine aerosol
Laura Revell
- Speaker at Updates to sulfur chemistry in the UM
Manon Rocco
- Speaker at DMS and MeSH fluxes during Sea2Cloud
- Antoine Roger Roose (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
Matthew Salter
- Speaker at Arctic sea spray flux measurements
joel Savarino
- Speaker at NOx flux chamber measurements in Antarctica
- Julia Schmale (PSI)
- Karine Sellegri
- Armin Sigmund
- Bill Simpson
Andrea Spolaor
(University of Siena)
- Speaker at Halogens in Ice Core Records
- Jacqueline Stefels
Nadja Steiner
- Speaker at Intro to CIce2Clouds
- Jennie Thomas (IGE/CNRS)
- Yutaka Tobo
- Timo Vihma
- Birgit Wehner
- Megan Willis
- Xin Yang (University of Cambridge)
Gillian Young
- Speaker at Keynote: Introducing QuIESCENT Arctic
- Cora Young
- Paul Zieger