Target making PSI and Mainz electroplating and drop on demand
Electroprinting started with Barium (similar chemically) looks promising
Drop on demand a bit trickier for now, but parameter space is being investigated
new calculations from Natalia --> Calculated again for different dR and dQ
2nd order polynomial in 2D space
More extreme changes with dR, than for dQ
Studied the dependencies of energy shifts and intensities with respect to changing dR and dQ
Shift in multiplets are in the same direction --> No real improvement in the fit (0.01 change in reduced chi square)
Relative precision better than E-5 for absolute charge radii
Fitting 2s-1s for Krypton
Tiny bump on the shoulder of (most likely) Michel electrons
Bump shape can't be over estimated
Try to understand all of the background contributions
Zinc analysis: Coincidence analysis between the crystals
Neutron pulse shape discrimination
Investigating short integration windows: best window end around 35 clock ticks
Energy depedence for PSD achieved
Energy calibration in keVee, low activity Co60, only use Y-88 and Cs-137 Compton edges to calibrate
Calibration and adding neutron flags --> Michael will follow up on this
Recoiling of germainum nucleus after X-ray detection
0.08 keV shift with no clear reference in the Saito et al. paladium paper
Michael will attempt to find more information about this