LMU Seminars

Non‐destructive 3D imaging method using muonic X‐rays and a CdTe double‐sided strip detector

by Dr I‐Huan Chiu (Osaka University)




Elemental analysis based on muonic X‐rays resulting from muon irradiation provides information about bulk material composition without causing damage, which is essential in the case of precious or otherwise unreachable samples, such as in archeology and planetary science. We developed a three‐dimensional (3D) elemental analysis technique by combining the elemental analysis method based on negative muons with an imaging cadmium telluride double‐sided strip detector (CdTe‐DSD) designed for the hard X‐ray and soft γ‐ray observation. A muon irradiation experiment using spherical plastic samples was conducted at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J‐PARC); a set of projection images was taken by the CdTe‐DSD, equipped with a pinhole collimator, for different sample rotation angles. The projection images measured by the CdTe‐DSD were utilized to obtain a 3D volumetric phantom by using the maximum likelihood expectation maximization algorithm. The reconstructed phantom successfully revealed the 3D distribution of carbon in the bulk samples and the stopping depth of the muons. This result demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed non‐destructive 3D elemental analysis method for bulk material analysis based on muonic X‐rays.


Organized by

Zaher Salman

Zoom Meeting ID
LMU Seminar 05052022
Zaher Salman
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Zaher Salman