Analysis discussion meeting



Preparation for experiments:

Miniball need positive bias --> Use Randolf's module for extra channel(s)

LN2 system is ready

Found cables with 16 ns and 64 ns delay

Neutron detectors --> Frederik will arrange this

Entrance scintillators in the workshop

Updated slow control box for gas system

Gas bottles have arrived

Poly-ethylene will be attached to the titanium grid to minimize its background (Katharina)



Surface targets for gold reference will be arranged --> Masses from the document have been checked (they were correct)

Lithium target being prepared with MIXE collaboration --> Katharina will follow up on this

Barium being prepared in Mainz: Molecular plating Vs. Drop-on-demand

Potassium reference? Current plan is Cr, but Michael will try to look for CVD alternatives



RBS on Surrey samples:

Seems to be quite a bit less than expected (~factor 4-5)

RBS expert will look at the spectra to check for major mistakes --> Michael will follow up on this

Potentially due to porosity of glassy carbon


Neutron analysis:

Calibrating on Compton edges

~1600 keVee at ADC channel 500

High energy Compton continuum? Most likely Cosmic particle/coincidence event/...



DAQ development:

(my internet was acting up a bit so it would be nice if someone can fill this part)



Curium 2p-1s:

Natalia managed to introduce the magnetic part of the hamiltonian, but it shows no effect --> Not really possible, so trying to resolve that --> Stella will follow up on this

Curium 3d-2p:

Predictions aren't matching

A lot of background from Palladium contamination

NP has not yet been included --> Stella will follow up on this.



Trying to calculate the population levels of 2s & 2p

How much goes from 2s to 2p

Currently 1/3 is missing from/to the 2p state? Seems too much

Will look into muon cascade code --> Nilesh will follow up on this



Looking at the silicon drift detector

Covering titanium grid with poly-ethylene

Callibration, behavior, ...



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