HEARING: High-resolution structural and functional EAR imagING

Monte Verità

Monte Verità

Ascona, Switzerland
Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Lukas Anschütz (Inselspital)

We look forward to welcoming you at the Congressi Stefano Franscini (CSF) in Ascona for our first international Workshop on the state-of-the-art investigation of the ear!


This workshop will be held in person and is limited to 50 participants. You can already register to reserve your seat!


Main Topics:

  • Lectures on anatomy, physiology, and synchrotron-based imaging techniques
  • Translational lectures on ear disease and its surgical treatment
  • Hands-on workshops (segmentation, sound stimulation, ossiculoplasty, …)



A total of 22 credits are awarded after daily attendance according to the continuing education program of the Swiss Society of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Otolaryngology, and Facial Surgery.


Invited speakers: More information here




Call for poster abstract:

Posters on your research/clinical topics can be presented during the workshop. 

  • Opening Submission: 23 December 2022
  • Deadline Submission: 23 April 2023
  • Please use the template provided by the link below for your poster abstract (word or pdf)
  • Abstracts must be submitted via the online submission system (here)
  • We are offering travel grants for the 3 best abstracts (for PhD students and medical residents only)
  • During the workshop, the best poster will receive a special award!



Fees (Registration will open on 23 December 2022):

a) Registration fee: attendance fee, welcome drink, coffee breaks, excursion and dinner on Tuesday.

  • Regular Price: 500 CHF
  • PhD students and residents: 300 CHF 


b) Accommodation fee: hotel booking (room + breakfast) for the period of the conference (3 nights, 21. - 24 of May 2023); meals at the Monte Verità restaurant during the conference 

(lunch and dinner must be booked separately at the Monte Verità restaurant and can be chosen according to the duration of the stay during the booking process) 

Please find the special prices for the bedrooms and meals that the CSF has negotiated with the hotel and conference centre Monte Verità here. 


Please note that the number of single rooms at the conference site hotel is limited; if you require a single room, we recommend you to book one well in advance. Sharing a bedroom with another participant will increase the chances of finding an available room at the conference site hotel. If you have a suggestion for the room sharing, you can indicate a name at the time of booking. 

Participants booked in one of the nearby hotels will have a transport provided to and from the conference site in the morning after breakfast and in the evening after dinner. Daily schedules of this transport will be available at the external hotel and at the conference venue. Breakfast will be served at your hotel, whereas all the other meals are booked at the conference venue restaurant. 

Extra pre- and post-conference nights are possible during the seasonal opening of the hotel (about Easter to end of October), are under your responsibility and accommodation fees (lodging) will have to be discussed directly with the hotel and conference centre Monte Verità. Board during pre- and post-nights will be à la carte (during the seasonal opening of the restaurant). Accompanying persons staying at the Hotel Monte Verità do not profit from the reduced prices. 


Cancellation policy for self-paying participants 

a. participants can cancel by writing an email to aleksandra.ivanovic@unibe.ch – email date counts as cancellation date); 


b. Registration fees: in case of cancellation before February 21st, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded. After February 21st there is no refund. 

c. Board and lodging fees: The cancellation policy for booked meals and bedrooms is given by the hotel and conference centre Monte Verità. You find them on the hotel website. 


The congress organizers cannot accept any liability for personal injuries sustained, or for loss or damage to property belonging to conference participants (or their accompanying persons), either during, or as a result of, the conference. Registration or accommodation fees do not include insurance. 


By registering and paying your fees, you accept all the above terms and conditions. 




Transportation from Locarno train station will be organized. If you arrive in Milan, please let us know and we can organize a pick-up service from there as well.



Main Sponsor:





Abstract Template
    • 1
      Welcome - Registration & Apéro
    • Morning Session I: Introductory Session
      Conveners: Dr Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Lukas Anschuetz
      • 2
        Welcome Congress Chairs
        Speakers: Dr Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Lukas Anschuetz (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Inselspital Bern Univ. Hospital, CH)
      • 3
        Welcome from CSF and Monte Verità
      • 4
        Speaker: Prof. Marco Caversaccio (Inselspital, University Hospital Bern)
      • 5
        Clinical lecture 1: The human hearing system: an overview
        Speaker: Dr Giulia Molinari (Bologna University)
      • 6
        Basic research lecture 1: Basics and Principles of Synchrotron Imaging
        Speaker: Prof. Marco Stampanoni (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 10:00 AM
      Poster and Morning Coffee Break + visit of sponsors exhibition
    • Morning Session II: Scientific Session 1 : Hearing Biomechanics
      Conveners: Dr Isabelle Maidisch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Marco Caversaccio (Inselspital, University Hospital Bern)
      • 7
        Scientific Session 1: Assessing Biomechanics of the middle ear

        Dr. med. Remenschneider, surgeon-scientist, Eaton Peabody Lab., Mass. Eye and Ear, HArvard medical school

        Speaker: Prof. Aaron Remenschneider (Eaton Peabody Lab., Mass. Eye and Ear, Harvard medical school)
      • 8
        Scientific Session 1: Middle Ear Nonlinear Response to High Intensity Sound
        Speaker: Prof. Jeffrey Tao Cheng (Eaton Peabody Lab., Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary)
      • 9
        Scientific session 1: Conductive hearing loss: causes and treatment

        Prof. Dr. med. Huber, Clinic Director ORL, University Hospital Zurich

        Speaker: Prof. Alexander Huber (University Hospital Zurich)
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch @ Monte Verita
    • Clinical Workshop 1: Hands-on Ossiculoplasty for clinicians
      • 10
        Materials and techniques for ossiculoplasty
        Speaker: Dr Giulia Molinari (Bologna University)
      • 11
        Intraoperative assessment of prosthesis placement
        Speaker: Prof. Alexander Huber (University Hospital Zurich)
      • 12
        3D printed materials
        Speaker: Prof. Aaron Remenschneider (Eaton Peabody Lab., Mass. Eye and Ear, Harvard medical school)
      • 13
        Hands-on Ossiculoplasty for clinicians
        Speaker: Prof. Lukas Anschuetz
    • Engineering Workshop 1: : Basic hands-on Segmentation for engineers
      • 14
        Principles of biomedical segmentation
        Speaker: Dr Hao Li (Uppsala University)
      • 15
        Segmentation of inner ear malformations
        Speaker: Dr Anandhan Dhanasingh (MED-EL)
      • 16
        Advanced hands-on segmentation for engineers
        Speakers: Aleksandra Ivanovic (PSI, Inselspital), Dr Anandhan Dhanasingh (MED-EL), Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Hanif Ladak (University of Western Ontario), Dr Hao Li (Uppsala University)
    • 3:00 PM
      Poster Session
    • Clinical Workshop 1: Hands-on Ossiculoplasty for engineers
      • 17
        Materials and techniques for ossiculoplasty
        Speaker: Dr Giulia Molinari (Bologna University)
      • 18
        Intraoperative assessment of prosthesis placement
        Speaker: Prof. Alexander Huber (University Hospital Zurich)
      • 19
        3D printed materials
        Speaker: Prof. Aaron Remenschneider (Eaton Peabody Lab., Mass. Eye and Ear, Harvard medical school)
      • 20
        Hands-on Ossiculoplasty for engineers
        Speaker: Prof. Lukas Anschuetz
    • Engineering Workshop 1: Basic hands-on Segmentation for clinicians
      • 21
        Principles of biomedical segmentation
        Speaker: Dr Hao Li (Uppsala University)
      • 22
        Segmentation of inner ear malformations
        Speaker: Dr Anandhan Dhanasingh (MED-EL)
      • 23
        Advanced hands-on segmentation for clinicians
        Speakers: Aleksandra Ivanovic (PSI, Inselspital), Dr Anandhan Dhanasingh (MED-EL), Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Hanif Ladak (University of Western Ontario), Dr Hao Li (Uppsala University)
    • 24
      Wrap up, workshop summary and feedback
      Speakers: Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Lukas Anschuetz
    • 7:00 PM
    • Morning Session III: Scientific Session: Applications of Synchrotron Imaging - part I
      Conveners: Prof. Alexander Huber (University Hospital Zurich), Prof. Marco Stampanoni (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 25
        Unlocking the Cochlea: The Journey from Synchrotron Phase-Contrast Imaging to Artificial Intelligence
        Speaker: Prof. Sumit K Agrawal (The University of Western Ontario)
      • 26
        Dynamic SR X-PCI Imaging of fish ear

        Dr. Schlepütz, Beamline Scientist, Paul Scherrer Institut

        Speaker: Dr Christian Schlepuetz (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 27
        Dynamic SR X-PCI Imaging of biological tissue

        Dr. Schmeltz, Post-Doc, Paul Scherrer Institut

        Speaker: Dr Margaux Pauline Schmeltz (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 28
        Sound transmission from the Weberian apparatus to the inner ears: New insights into motion patterns of auditory structures in fishes
        Speaker: Dr Isabelle Maidisch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
    • 10:00 AM
      Poster and Morning Coffee Break + visit of sponsors exhibition
    • Morning Session IV: Scientific Session: Applications of Synchrotron Imaging - part II
      Conveners: Dr Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Daniel Lee (Massachusetts Eye and Ear)
      • 29
        Synchrotron techniques in bones research
        Speaker: Dr Hector Dejea I Velardo (Lund University)
      • 30
        SR X-PCI imaging - anatomy of the inner and middle ear
        Speaker: Dr Hao Li (University of Uppsala)
      • 31
        From Images to Finite-Element Models of the Middle Ear: The Role of Synchrotron Imaging
        Speaker: Prof. Hanif Ladak (University of Western Ontario)
      • 32
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch @ Monte Verita
    • Clinical round table: From bench to bedside: translation of research into clinics
      Conveners: Dr Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Lukas Anschuetz
      • 33
        Intraoperative LDV
        Speaker: Prof. Alexander Huber (University Hospital Zurich)
      • 34
        Translational Research - Protocols and Ethics
        Speaker: Prof. Sumit K Agrawal (The University of Western Ontario)
      • 35
        Augmented reality
        Speaker: Dr Giulia Molinari (Bologna University)
      • 36
    • Poster and Coffee Break Session
      • Authors are asked to stand by their posters for questions and discussion
      • Poster ratings by all faculty members
    • Special Event: Boat trip to Brissago island with dinner thereafter (on the island)
    • Morning Session V
      Conveners: Prof. Aaron Remenschneider (Eaton Peabody Lab., Mass. Eye and Ear, Harvard medical school), Prof. Sumit K Agrawal (The University of Western Ontario)
      • 37
        Electrophysiology in cochlear implantation
        Speaker: Prof. Diana Arweiler-Harbeck (University Hospital Essen)
      • 38
        Next generation auditory implants based on magnetic stimulation
        Speaker: Prof. Daniel Lee (Massachusetts Eye and Ear)
      • 39
        Regeneration and gene therapy of the inner ear
        Speaker: Prof. Judith Kempfle (UMass Memorial Medical Center/UMass Chan Medical School & Mass Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School)
      • 40
        Superior canal dehiscence syndrome: An update on diagnosis and treatment
        Speaker: Prof. Georgios Mantokoudis (Inselspital Bern)
      • 41
    • 10:20 AM
      Morning Coffee Break
    • Basic Science Round Table: Innovations in Imaging Methodologies
      Conveners: Dr Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Lukas Anschuetz (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Inselspital Bern Univ. Hospital, CH)
      • 42
        In-vivo / In-vitro imaging important considerations for experiments
        Speaker: Dr Isabelle Maidisch (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 43
        Challenges in analysis and modelisation
        Speaker: Prof. Hanif Ladak (University of Western Ontario)
      • 44
        Correlative Imaging for bones
        Speaker: Dr Hector Dejea I Velardo (Lund University)
      • 45
    • 12:00 PM
      Lunch @ Monte Verita
    • Interdisciplinary round table discussion: Future of imaging in hearing research, proposal of novel approaches, opportunities for collaborations

      Format: Faculty member leads a discussion in a small group, participants may join the researcher of their choice and discuss directly – after 45´return into plenum to discuss the different points

      Conveners: Prof. Hanif Ladak (University of Western Ontario), Prof. Sumit K Agrawal (The University of Western Ontario)
    • Interdisciplinary round table discussion: Future of imaging in hearing research, proposal of novel approaches, opportunities for collaborations

      Format: Faculty member leads a discussion in a small group, participants may join the researcher of their choice and discuss directly – after 45´return into plenum to discuss the different points

      Conveners: Prof. Diana Arweiler-Harbeck (University Hospital Essen), Prof. Judith Kempfle (UMass Memorial Medical Center/UMass Chan Medical School & Mass Eye and Ear/Harvard Medical School)
    • Interdisciplinary round table discussion: Wrap Up

      Format: Faculty member leads a discussion in a small group, participants may join the researcher of their choice and discuss directly – after 45´return into plenum to discuss the different points

    • Travel grant and Poster Award - Workshop closure
      Conveners: Aleksandra Ivanovic (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Dr Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Prof. Lukas Anschuetz (Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Inselspital Bern Univ. Hospital, CH)
    • 3:15 PM
      Farewell Apéro