Amyloid proteins meet physics: from X-rays and neutrons over electrons to magnetism

The education center, SZ-OSGA/EG06 (Paul Scherrer Institute)

The education center, SZ-OSGA/EG06

Paul Scherrer Institute

Anne Bonnin (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut), Jinghui Luo (PSI - Paul Scherrer Institut)
Amyloid proteins meet physics
    • Coffee chat and introduction to the symposium

      Coffee chat and introduction to the symposium from 08:30-09:00 (Jinghui Luo, Anne Bonnin)

    • Visualising amyloid deposits by X-rays and electrons

      09:00-09:30 Henning Stahlberg (EPFL, Electron diffraction & imaging)
      Coherent electron diffractive imaging in single particle cryo-EM
      09:30-09:50 Ana Diaz (PSI, cSAXS beamline, X-ray ptychography imaging)
      X-ray nanotomography of biological tissues by ptychographic tomography
      09:50-10:10 Anne Bonnin (PSI, Tomcat beamline, X-ray phase contrast imaging)
      X-ray phase contrast tomography at the TOMCAT beamline:  a focus on brain imaging

      • 1
        Coherent Electron Diffractive Imaging in single particle cryo-EM
        Speaker: Henning Stahlberg (EPFL, Electron diffraction and imaging)
      • 2
        X-ray nanotomography of biological tissues by ptychographic tomography
        Speaker: Ana Diaz (PSI, cSAXS beamline, X-ray ptychography imaging)
      • 3
        X-ray phase contrast tomography at the TOMCAT beamline: a focus on brain imaging
        Speaker: Anne Bonnin (PSI, Tomcat beamline, X-ray phase contrast imaging)
    • 10:10 AM
      Coffee Break
    • Visualising amyloid deposits by X-rays and electrons

      10:30-11:00 Peter Faller (University of Strasbourg, EPR & X-ray),
      Copper bound to amyloid-beta: from structure and reactivity insights to its targeting as therapeutic approach
      11:00-11:20 Armin Kleibert (PSI, SIM beamline, photo-emission electron microscopy)
      Soft X-ray spectromicroscopy for nanoscale chemical characterization at the SIM Beamline of the SLS
      11:20-11:40 Rebecca Sternke-Hoffmann (PSI,BIO)
      Alanine switches the protein crystal formation to the amyloid fibril formation

      • 4
        Copper bound to amyloid-beta: from structure and reactivity insights to its targeting as therapeutic approach
        Speaker: Peter Faller (University of Strasbourg, EPR & X-ray)
      • 5
        Soft X-Ray Spectromicroscopy for Nanoscale Chemical Characterization at the SIM Beamline of the SLS
        Speaker: Armin Kleibert (PSI, SIM beamline, photo-emission electron microscopy)
      • 6
        Alanine switches protein crystal formation to amyloid fibril formation
        Speaker: Rebecca Sternke-Hoffmann (PSI, BIO Department)
    • 11:40 AM
      Lunch break at OASE
    • Studying amyloid dynamics and metal ions by X-rays and magnetism

      13:00-13:30 Roland Riek (ETH Zurich, NMR),
      The structural and dynamics landscape of proteins using NMR
      13:30-13:50 Maarten Nachtegaal (PSI, SuperXAS, X-ray spectroscopy)
      X-ray absorption spectroscopy provides insight in the oxidation state and local structure of metal sites
      13:50-14:10 Jan Dreiser (PSI, Xtreme beamline, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism)
      Insights into amyloid-copper interaction from soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy

      • 7
        The structural and dynamics landscape of proteins using NMR
        Speaker: Roland Riek (ETH, NMR)
      • 8
        X-ray absorption spectroscopy provides insight in the oxidation state and local structure of metal sites
        Speaker: Maarten Nachtegaal (PSI, SuperXAS, X-ray spectroscopy)
      • 9
        Insights Into Amyloid-Copper Interaction From Soft X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
        Speaker: Jan Dreiser (PSI, Xtreme beamline for XMCD, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism)
    • 2:10 PM
      Coffee Break
    • Studying amyloid dynamics and metal ions by neutrons and magnetism

      14:30-15:00 Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy (The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, NMR),
      Probing the effects of lipids and lipid membrane on amyloid aggregation
      15:00-15:20 Jinming Wu (PSI, BIO)
      Identifying the role of co-aggregation of Alzheimer’s Amyloid-β with amorphous protein aggregates of non-amyloid proteins 
      15:20-15:40 Fanni Juranyi (PSI, FOCUS beamline, neutron spectroscopy)
      Protein dynamics: what can we learn from neutron spectroscopy
      15:40-16:00 Viviane Lütz Bueno (PSI, SANS beamline, neutron scattering)
      Amyloid fibrils: sustainable building blocks for materials science

      • 10
        Probing the effects of lipids and lipid membrane on amyloid aggregation
        Speaker: Ayyalusamy Ramamoorthy (The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, NMR)
      • 11
        Identifying the role of co-aggregation of Alzheimer’s Amyloid-β with amorphous protein aggregates of non-amyloid proteins
        Speaker: Jinming Wu (PSI, BIO Department)
      • 12
        Protein dynamics: what can we learn from neutron spectroscopy
        Speaker: Fanni Juranyi (PSI, FOCUS, neutron spectroscopy)
      • 13
        Amyloid fibrils: sustainable building blocks for materials science
        Speaker: Viviane Lütz Bueno (PSI, SANS, neutron scattering)
    • Ending discussions and Tour to SLS/SINQ
    • 14