The workshop will have plenary sessions with invited and contributed papers presented orally, as well as a poster session. A conference dinner and an excursion to PSI will be organized around the workshop. Below you find a coarse classification of the workshop topics, this will be refined with the abstract subjects submitted.
NEW: Schedule (28. June 2012)
Book of abstracts (28. June 2012)
NEW: Schedule (28. June 2012)
Book of abstracts (28. June 2012)
Invited speakers
P.A. Pianetta X-Ray spectroscopy on nano- materials | SLAC Stanford |
M. Despont M(N)EM Switch Technologies for RF and Logic Applications | IBM Rüschlikon |
Ch. McNeill Characterising nanostructured polymer devices with soft x-rays | Monash University |
T. Jung Electronic and Spin States in Metal-Organic Supramolecular Materials at Surfaces: Spectro Microscopy Correlation Experiments | Paul Scherrer Institut |
O. Hellwig Nano-technology and Nano-spectroscopy for magnetic recording media | Hitachi Global Storage Technologies, San Jose Research Center |
L. Nasi Transmission electron microscopy study of nanostructured semiconductors | Inst. for Materials in Electronics and Magnetism |
V. Sandoghdar Optical sensing and spectroscopy down to the single-molecule level | Max-Plack Inst. for the Physics of Light, Erlangen |
A. Schirmeisen Understanding friction on the nanoscale | University Giessen |
H. Shigekawa Imaging of transient carrier dynamics by nanoscale pump-probe microscopy | University Tsukuba |
J. Verbeeck Electron microscopy on magnetic nanostructures | University Antwerp |
J. Wiebe Tailoring ground states and dynamics of bottom-up engineered nanomagnets | University Hamburg |
F. Donati Giant Anisotropies of single Co atoms on graphene/Pt(111) | EPFL |
• Electrons
• Visible light
• X-Rays
• Scanning Probe
• Fabrication -
• Semiconductors
• Molecules
• Polymers and organic electronics
• Magnetism
• Nano-dots