5–7 Jul 2012
ETH Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

Detector needs for x-ray diffraction experiments at synchrotron sources

6 Jul 2012, 09:00
F7 (ETH Zürich)


ETH Zürich

Direct detection area detectors for storage rings Direct detection area detectors for storage rings I


Dr Ana Diaz (Paul Scherrer Institut)


X-ray diffraction is characterized by a rapidly decaying signal in reciprocal space which requires a large dynamical range for its detection. Besides this common feature, the ideal detector features may differ depending on the nature of different experiments, like for example Small Angle X-ray Scattering, Protein Crystallography, and Coherent Diffraction Imaging. Additionally, scanning schemes over large samples, radiation damage, and time-resolved experiments impose further constraints in the required time resolution and readout speed. Here we present a summary of the required characteristics of X-ray detectors for diffraction measurements in synchrotron sources, with an especial focus on the research performed at the Swiss Light Source.

Primary author

Dr Ana Diaz (Paul Scherrer Institut)

Presentation materials