5–7 Jul 2012
ETH Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

Industrial Presentation: X-Ray photon counting detectors from imXPAD

6 Jul 2012, 11:00
F7 (ETH Zürich)


ETH Zürich

Direct detection area detectors for storage rings Direct detection area detectors for storage rings II


Mr vasse laurent (imxpad)


The imXPAD company was launched in May 2010 for the design and fabrication of “XPAD” hybrid pixel detectors. The company is now producing different sizes of XPAD silicon detectors, from 7.5 x 1.5 cm2 to 15 x 15 cm2. Number of detectors have already been delivered to synchrotrons (SOLEIL, ESRF, ALBA,…) and laboratories (CRM2 Nancy France, ECP Paris France, Xenocs Grenoble France…). Special requirements like vacuum compatible or U-shape detectors can also be satisfied. For high energy X-rays, special conversion crystals like CdTe and GaAs are under study and will be available by the end of the year. The status of the imXPAD company will be given and the XPAD detectors will be described as well as typical experiments.

Primary author

Mr vasse laurent (imxpad)

Presentation materials