5–7 Jul 2012
ETH Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

Overview of interconnect technologies

6 Jul 2012, 13:30
F7 (ETH Zürich)


ETH Zürich

Interconnect and sensor technologies Interconnect and sensor technologies


Dr Fabian Hügging (University of Bonn)


Interconnection technologies are important for compact modern tracking detectors. Recently new developments come to the focus which allow a wide variety of new detector layouts and arrangements. Among these are fine pitch bump bonding with pitches down to 50µm and below and Through Silicon Via (TSV) conncetion through the electronics layer of hybrid pixel detector. Real 3D integration of several electronics layer is another attractive approach to compact the detector design. In this presentation on overview of these interconnection is given as they are currently tested for future particle physics tracking detectors.

Primary author

Dr Fabian Hügging (University of Bonn)

Presentation materials