5–7 Jul 2012
ETH Zürich
Europe/Zurich timezone

Industrial Presentation: The New PILATUS3 ASIC with Instant Retrigger Capability

6 Jul 2012, 12:00
F7 (ETH Zürich)


ETH Zürich

Direct detection area detectors for storage rings Direct detection area detectors for storage rings II


Dr Teddy Loeliger (Dectris Ltd.)


A novel photon counting method for non-paralyzable counting and its implementation in the new PILATUS3 ASIC are presented. Pulse pile-up significantly affects the observed count rate at high photon fluxes in single-photon counting x-ray detectors and can lead to complete paralyzation of the counting circuit. In PILATUS single-photon counting hybrid-pixel x-ray detectors, count rate correction is applied in order to compensate for the counting loss at high count rates. However, counter paralyzation limits the maximum usable count rate of the PILATUS2 ASIC to typically 2*10^6 photons per second and pixel. In order to overcome this limitation, instant retrigger capability is introduced as a new photon counting method that results in non-paralyzable counting and achieves improved high-rate counting performance. The instant retrigger capability re-evaluates the pulse signal after a predetermined dead time interval after each count and potentially retriggers the counting circuit in case of pulse pile-up. The respective dead time interval is adjustable and accounts for the width of a single photon pulse. As a result, the counting becomes non-paralyzable and enhanced count rate correction can be applied in order to achieve improved data quality at high count rates. The new PILATUS3 ASIC features instant retrigger capability with adjustable dead time. The implementation of this new approach and experimental results are presented. The new ASIC additionally features counter overflow handling, improved pixel uniformity, reduced crosstalk, reduced readout time, and compatibility with CdTe sensors. With the new design, higher count rates can be measured and better data quality is achieved up to rates of more than 10^7 photons per second and pixel. Finally, the PILATUS3 product family based on the PILATUS3 ASIC and new high performance read-out electronics will be presented.

Primary author

Dr Teddy Loeliger (Dectris Ltd.)


Dr Christian Brönnimann (Dectris Ltd.) Dr Marcus Müller (Dectris Ltd.) Dr Matthias Schneebeli (Dectris Ltd.) Dr Peter Trüb (Dectris Ltd.) Mr Roger Schnyder (Dectris Ltd.) Dr Sebastian Commichau (Dectris Ltd.) Dr Tilman Donath (Dectris Ltd.)

Presentation materials