Apr 15 – 18, 2012
Hotel zur Therme, Bad Zurzach
Europe/Zurich timezone


            ESS Science Symposium


The purpose of this meeting is to provide a forum for an active exchange of knowledge and experiences gained from neutron imaging experiments in the past years. Users from different European neutron sources (SINQ, BER-2, FRM-II …) are kindly invited to participate. In an intense dialog with the facilities’ operators and with the other participants of the symposium we want to identify the current state of the art in neutron imaging. This will define further requests for technical and scientific improvements of the method. An important part of the symposium is to brainstorm about how the image data best can be evaluated to gain most information from neutron imaging experiments.
Furthermore, we want to focus your interest to the options at the upcoming European Spallation Neutron Source ESS that will be built in Lund (Sweden) until 2019. The opportunities and challenges for different neutron imaging techniques should also be discussed during the meeting.
